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Councillor's Corner

Meet a new council member every month in engaging interview about what is happening in our city and what impacts residents can expect in their day-to-day lives.

Councillor's Corner

Councillor's Corner

Councillor's Corner
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Councillor's Corner:  Chilliwack City!  August 2020, "Mayor Popove"

Councillor's Corner: Chilliwack City! August 2020, "Mayor Popove"

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Councillor's Corner, Chilliwack City! March 2020:  "Councillor Bud Mercer"

Councillor's Corner, Chilliwack City! March 2020: "Councillor Bud Mercer"

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Councillor's Corner:  Chilliwack City!  "City Councillor, Jeff Shields"

Councillor's Corner: Chilliwack City! "City Councillor, Jeff Shields"

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Councillor's Corner:  Chilliwack City!  "June 2020, Mayor Ken Popove"

Councillor's Corner: Chilliwack City! "June 2020, Mayor Ken Popove"

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